
How/Why I got to Amsterdam and to this Blog

When I moved here 6 years ago, I was seeing myself doing exactly what I’m doing now, sitting in a pretty cafe`, with my laptop, sometimes with a book, having my cappuccino enjoying my favorite canal view. I always thought this city would’ve gave me that sparkle, that inspiration that I was looking for and I was right! Here I’m, sitting in this pretty cafe` writing this post , drinking my cappuccino looking at my favorite canal view!

I wanted to live here so badly, I put so much effort and determination to get this dream come true and luckley I’m stubborn enough and I never gave up and I’m so grateful to myself for that! After leaving Rome (where I have been living for about 8 years for my business studies) I went back to my home town, Potenza, where I spent 2 years feeling “trapped” all the time!

It was there that I decided to take a 2 weeks solo trip to Amsterdam, to feel the real vibe of the city and understand if that could really be the place for me. I fell in love immediately with everything: architecture, music, the incredible multi-ethnicity of this city, bikes, different cultures, flowers, lights…It was a whirlwind of emotions and wanderlust for my eyes everyday of my trip. I really felt immediately that Amsterdam could’ve change my life, I had to follow that feeling, I had to give it a chance!

Back in Italy I started to plan my “escape” and less than a year later I was here, in my beloved Amsterdam !

As you may already know when I moved my English was really bad and I had to take any kind of job : waitress, bartender and budtender as well 🙂 (unique experience for sure, specially back then when marijuana was still illegal in the States)!

I was very determinated to learn English as quickly as I could. I didn’t watch anything in Italian anymore, movies, shows, and I’ve been avoiding hanging out with Italians a lot in order to be “forced” to speak and listen English.

I’m now working for a big company in a 9-5 corporate job, with limited free time/holydays , I reached my goal but obviously I’m not happy, I still feel that I miss something, and I think I’m finally realizing what that “something” is . . . FREEDOOM!

Here we also come to the “why” I’ve started this blog and an IG account. No more living only for the weekends and no more limited time to spend with my family and my dog, I wanna see the world and share the beauty of each place that I go to inspire people to travel, to challenge themselves into new adventures, to go out from the comfort zone and meet the best version of ourselves, yes because I’m still working hard on it and we can do that together, day by day, sharing our fears and our progresses. As a community we can be able to support and motivate each other everyday!

Who’s with me?

Follow Girlwanderingabroad’s journey on IG and Tik Tok too !

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Those are just a few of my favorite instagrammable places in Amsterdam! Stay tuned for Part II 

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